Финансовая отчетность за 2023 год. Новые типы совладельцев
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Overview of updates from March 18, 2021
Service Updates

Notes on Companies

Add your own notes on companies and sole proprietorships and streamline your work with your counterparties.

Updates overview from March 18, 2021

Notes on Companies

Add your own notes on companies and sole proprietorships and streamline your work with your counterparties.

Our team is back in touch!

Now you can create notes with key information on companies and entrepreneurs. So that you will not lose the thoughts and questions that arose in the process.

New notes from search and in company profiles

We have added a new button in the search bar next to favorites and previews:

There is also a "Notes" button in the header of the company profile:

By clicking on it, you will open a window with all your notes on this company. The "Create Note" button will prompt you to enter name and content for the note, and then save it:

The Latest notes are always in sight

The 10 most recent notes are displayed on the home page and you won't forget what you intended to do:

My "Notes" section

The "Show All" button on the home page takes you to the "My Notes" section, where notes on all companies are gathered together. You can also go here through the side menu:

Use the notes to make sure you do not miss anything. We hope they will be very helpful.

Updates in " Detailed report " section

The last improvement for today: we added information from three sections to the detailed report the "Download" button in the companies' header in an MS Excel file: "SRO Membership", " Information Disclosure ", " Tourist Facilities ". Now you can download more information you are interested in and get a complete picture of the company even offline:

We write our notes for you.
Your Seldon.Basis team