Регламент проверки контрагента в компании
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Privacy Policy

Processing of User Data Policy of the website https://basis.myseldon.com

The present document, hereinafter referred to as the Policy, determines the general terms of processing of data, including personal data, hereinafter collectively referred to as the Data, provided by users during registration or other activity related to provision of Data, referred to below, on the website (https://basis.myseldon.com), hereinafter referred to as the Site.

Processing of Data under the present Policy is carried out by LLC Seldon 2 (OGRN: 5137746234456, TIN: 7726737372, located at 24/1 Radio Street, Space V, Office 36, Moscow 105005), hereinafter referred to as Seldon or the Operator.

Terms set forth in the present Policy may be changed by the Operator at any moment. All changes come into effect as soon as they are posted on the Site. Site users are solely responsible for getting acquainted with the Policy and changes thereto. In the event of a disagreement with the Policy changes, the user shall stop using the Site. Further use of the Site signifies complete agreement with the Policy.

Use of the Site signifies user’s unconditional agreement with this Policy and its terms of processing of Data, including personal data. Users shall refrain from using the Site in the event of a disagreement with these terms.

By accepting the terms of the present Policy, the user gives his consent to processing of Data, including personal data, to the extent and for the purposes determined by the present Policy.

  • Types of Data and ways to obtain it

    Present Policy applies to the following types of Data:

    • Data provided by users during registration on the Site, including personal data, namely full name, TIN number, host country and region, phone number and Email address.
    • Data provided by a legal entity during filling out the questionnaire, namely user’s company’s field of activity, size and location, and TIN number.
      Required information is marked. Other information can be provided at user’s discretion.
    • Data that is automatically transmitted when using the Site by means of the software installed on the user’s device, including IP address, unique network number of a device, electronic serial number, cookies, details about a browser, operating system, time of access and search queries.
  • Processing and Use of Data

    Processing of Data, including personal data, implies any action (operation) or complex of actions (operations), with or without automation means, directed at Data, including personal data, among which are gathering, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, adjustment (updating and alterating), extraction, utilization, depersonalization, blocking, deletion and destruction.

    Data processing is aimed at:

    • identification of a Site user as one of the parties of the rendering information services via the Site Agreement;
    • provision of information about Site features to the Site users;
    • establishing connection with users, responding to the Site users’ requests addressed to the Site’s support service, notification about the Site features and sending inquiries about the Site to the Site users;
    • informing users about the news about state orders, electronic commerce and digital economy, ways of optimization of trading, purchasing and tender activities, Operator’s special offers, new functions and options of the Site, as well as the services provided through the Site, sending requests regarding the use of the Site;
    • conducting statistical and other types of studies aimed at creation of new services for the Site users;
    • protection of rights and assurance of legitimate interests of Operators and/or third parties if there are reasons to believe that a Site user violates the present Policy terms, intellectual rights or laws of the Russian Federation.

    Persons conducting the processing of Data under present Policy undertake to not pass Data to third parties, unless otherwise provided for by the present Policy and except cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    By providing Data during registration on the Site, the user agrees to receiving advertising and information propositions concerning the Operator’s financial services and products based on the obtained Data, as well as to processing of Data for the indicated purposes.

    Processing of Data, including personal data, shall be conducted in compliance with all principles and rules provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and in accordance with the present Policy.

    Personal data provided by users during registration on the Site is stored in accordance with the applicable legislation of the Russian Federation.

    Data is stored as long as the account is valid or as long as the information about Site features is being provided to the user, and gets erased within the time limit and in the manner set forth by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

  • Users have the right to:
    • independently make alterations or amendments to the Data, provided by the user, in the personal account;
    • delete Data, provided by the user, in the personal account on the Site;
      Deletion of Data and/or personal account on the Site may result in inability to use certain features of the Site;
    • receive information concerning the processing of user’s personal data upon request;
    • refuse to receive advertising and information materials or offers of relevant financial services and products of the Operator.

    User’s consent to processing of Data can be withdrawn by corresponding notification sent via the contact form on the Site or to the Seldon Email addresses.

  • Applicable Law and Dispute Settlement Procedure

    In the event of disputes, disagreements or requirements concerning and/or arising from the present Policy, hereinafter referred to as the Disputes, such Disputes shall be resolved by negotiations and mutual consultations. User undertakes to send a written complaint (claim) to the Seldon postal address and Email address indicated in the present Policy. Seldon has the right to reply to such complaint (claim) within 30 (thirty) calendar days since its reception.

    If a Dispute is impossible to resolve by negotiations and mutual consultations, or if there is no reply to the complaint (claim) within 30 (thirty) calendar days since its reception, all Disputes shall be resolved judicially in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    Present Policy and relations arising from its application, as well as matters that are not regulated by the present Policy, shall be regulated and construed in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

  • Seldon address for complaints:

    24/1 Radio Street, Space V, Office 36, Moscow 105005

    Email: help@myseldon.com